Todd has given over 100 Simultaneous Chess Exhibitions over the years in Denver Malls and Schools.
A Simultaneous Chess Exhibition (Simul) is when a strong chess player plays many opponents at the same time, moving quickly from board to board. The player makes his move when the master shows up at his board. The master responds quickly and moves on. Players are typically allow three “passes” if they are not ready to make their move when the master appears.
Todd allows opponents to alternate playing White and Black (most Masters take White on all of the boards) and has a draw with a Master and has beaten three Expert rated players in Simultaneous Exhibitions over the years. His best streak was once in a Mall Simul against adults and kids when during the first four hours he only blundered away two pawns in the first four hours. Then fatigue set in and he dropped his queen in two games and walked into two checkmates in the same pass!
The most players Todd has ever played in one day (forty at a time) is 63 at Southglenn Mall on April 26, 2003. He went 49-12-2 and played for almost nine hour continuously. It was a very long day with several bathroom breaks!