Chess Strategy Workbook

A workbook and instruction book for intermediate players

Improve your chess strategy with the Chess Detective ® !

Chess Strategy Workbook

A large-format, fun, comprehensive workbook and instruction book for children and adults ranging from those with a basic chess foundation up to the above-average tournament player.

Chess Strategy Workbook teaches you to be observant and take your time to discover the clues in chess positions, introducing many of the strategies used by chess masters in a way that is fun and easy to understand.

Learn how to use the different types of chess advantages (king safety, material, piece activity, and pawn structure) to correctly evaluate the position in order to select the best move. Basic strategies for the opening, middlegame, and endgame, are covered in detail as well as pitfalls to avoid and how to think during the game.

It includes:

  • 200 problems with comprehensive answer key at two skill levels: Basset Hound (novice to intermediate) and Chess Detective (intermediate to advanced)
  • common mistakes to avoid during each phase of the game
  • how to think during the game on your time and your opponent’s time
  • chess quotes from famous chess players
  • fun and entertaining illustrations

English versions are sold in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Japan.


You can purchase any of Todd’s book on Amazon by clicking here

or some of these online chess stores 


Chess Strategy Workbook - Russian

Russian Cover

For the answers to any questions about Chess Strategy Workbook:

In the metro Denver area, call 303-770-6696 (wk)

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